Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants: T. Bastogne
A software Angio-Analytics has been developed by J.-B. Tylcz, E. Djermoune and T. Bastogne. This tool allows the pharmacodynamic characterization of anti-vascular effects in anti-cancer treatments. It uses time series of in vivo images provided by intra-vital microscopy. Such in vivo images are obtained owing to skinfold chambers placed on mice skin, as illustrated in Fig. 1 . The automatized analysis is split up into two steps that were completely performed separately and manually before. The first steps corresponds to image processing to identify characteristics of the vascular network, as illustrated in Fig. 2 . The last step is the system identification of the pharmacodynamic response and the statistical analysis of the model parameters as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 . An article has been submitted to a journal (Biomedical Signal Processing and Control) and is currently in revision process. Moreover, the current version of the software has been registered to the Agence de Protection des Programmes.